Empowering Global Citizens 11. Thomas Paine 12. Anonymous—source colonist 15. Augustine Washington 14. Governor Dinwiddie Two artists are required. One should make a drawing or a political cartoon about the Boston Tea Party, and one should make a drawing or cartoon about George Washington or Benjamin Franklin. Four advertisements should be created: 1. A publisher’s ad for Thomas Paine’s Common Sense 2. An ad for Benjamin Franklin’s old Farmer’s Almanac 3. An ad for men’s clothing or accessories. What exactly did they wear, and what did it cost? Design your own ad for wigs, boots, or any— thing else, but make it historically accurate. 4. An ad for women’s clothing. What exactly did they wear and what did it cost? Use the guidelines listed for the previous ad. Write two editorials: 1. “Why It’s Time to Declare Independence” 2. “Stop Tarring and Feathering” Write one op—ed using the following prompt: Benjamin Franklin writes a firstvperson account of the Hutchinson Letters Affair: Why I leaked the letters, how I got into trouble with the British, why I confessed, and why I’m now coming home. I’m sorry for all the fuss, dear readers, but I thought you should know the truth. 177