Fernando M. Reimers et 31. chance to defend Hutchinson. Then interview Thomas Paine about Hutchinson. (The important persons are Hutchinson, Jonathan Boucher, and Thomas Paine. You will have to use British sources to find material sympathetic to Hutchinson for this assignment.) Profile of George Washington: The Most Admired Man in America Who is George Washington, and is he the best man to lead the fight against the British? Interview people who know him to learn whether George is as honest, brave, and smart as he’s cracked up to be. And, in an exclusive interview with George Washington himself, learn his thoughts on where the British are vulnerable. (The important personages are Augustine Washington, George’s father, who can tell you about that cherry—tree story; Virginia Governor Dinwiddie, who gave Washington his first military jobs and saw him through his early successes and failures; and George Washington.) The following is a list of fourteen historical characters. Note that two stu— dents will be assigned to some characters because those characters need to be interviewed by more than one reporter: meawewwr Thomas Hutchinson (two students) Andrew Oliver Patrick Henry Lord Dunmore Benjamin Franklin Samuel Adams (two students) John Adams Captain Thomas Preston Paul Revere 10. Jonathan Boucher 176