APPENDIX A COLONIAL TIMES INSTRUCTIONS This activity consists of fifty—two assignments designed to produce a newspaper in 1775. The following are four news—story prompts to be written by twelve students (four groups of three reporters): 1. Write an article about the Stamp Act riots, explaining why the Stamp Act is not being enforced. Explain how tempers are rising as a result ‘ of the passing of the Quartering Act and the Stamp Act. Include interviews with the Massachusetts governor, Thomas Hutchinson; Andrew Oliver; and Patrick Henry. Ask the following questions (among others): Is it ever right to break the law? When you in— timidate a tax collector, is that a crime? Isn’t it inhumane to tar and feather someone? Do tax collectors deserve such punishment? (The important personages are Thomas Hutchinson, Andrew Oliver, and Patrick Henry.) British Parliament Debates the Repeal of the Stamp Act Based on your interviews with Benjamin Franklin and Samuel Adams, explain why the British Parliament is likely to repeal the Stamp Act. Interview Lord Dunmore about what a terrible mis— take it will be for the king to display weakness toward the colo- nies. Interview Benjamin Franklin about what’s going on in Britain. Interview Samuel Adams to find out why repealing the Stamp Act won’t be enough to quell the colonial desire for independence. 174