Empowering Global Citizens During the year, students looked at how people communicated ideas through songs, art, and other means during various revolutions. In particular, during the SDG unit, they looked for and researched different examples of good communication about topics relevant to the SDGs. They now make the connection between what worked then—that is, how people were able to communicate ideas effectively during revolutions—and the new tools available and what good communication looks like today. In this culminating unit, they examine ways to communicate about topics of interest to them by studying modern examples of communication and advocacy, including Bono’s ONE Campaign, other groups’ efforts, docu— mentaries, and movies. Guest speakers and workshops can include people working in the film, me— dia, documentary and advocacy, videos, communication, and marketing in- dustries in New York City. Resources A collection of lesson plans on this topic (this is just a short selection of the many that are available on the subject): ' http://www.educationworld.com/a_lesson/lesson/lesson15 8.shtml ' http://propaganda.mrdonn.org/lessonplans.html ° http://www.brighthub.com/education/k—12/articles/39376.aspx 173