Fernando M. Reimers et a1. Activity 5.7.1 What Can I DO? The teacher throws out a challenge to the students. The teacher says, “The poor are helpless, and I don’t think I can do anything to change the situ— ation.” The teacher asks the students to challenge that statement and to pick one country as a class and one thing that they would like to focus on as they challenge the teacher’s statement. The students create documenta— ries (shorts) to promote awareness of poverty and of their challenge. These documentaries should be shared with a sister school in India or South Africa whose students will create similar documentaries. The teacher introduces the notion of designing for change using the lesson plan on the following web page and engages students in the design of innovative approaches to tackling poverty: https://www.tes.com/worldslargestlesson/taking—action/. Resources ' A- short video on how different people will spend USD 10 (http:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=MOXTPSYdP08) ° What have different people done? (http://www.youtube.com/ inmyname) 0 Free Rice (http:/ /www.wfp.org/students—and—teachers/ teachers) ° Publications and media resources designed for human rights edu— cation purposes (http://www.ohchr.org/EN/PublicationsResources/ Pages/TrainingEducation.aspx) 0 Resources for educators to teach about poverty (http://www.make— povertyhistory.org/schools/index.shtml) Because the documentary will be shared with a sister school in India or Africa, an important component of this capstone is a study of what good communication looks like across cultures. 172