Unit Topic Theme Region Length Empowering Global Citizens 5.7 Capstone: What Can I Do? ICC: interpersonal; ethics; work and mind habits; economic development; poverty; analyze and assess; creative commu— nication; and the use of technology Not applicable Three weeks Goals and Objectives 1. Learn that they have personal agency and can make a difference by raising awareness of an SDG that they care about and to communi— cate effectively and creatively. 2. Inspire students to see themselves as having personal agency. 3. Act to raise awareness of an SDG. Skills and Knowledge 1. Students will express their thoughts and opinions regarding these human rights and understand and exhibit the behavioral competen— cies associated with the UDHR. 2. Students will assimilate information across various sources to com— municate effectively about poverty and poverty reduction. 3. Students will create a video documentary to raise awareness of the issue of poverty and of possible solutions to it. Overview The students create awareness»raising projects (documentaries) to promote awareness of an SDG that they care about. They will share their work with a partner school in India or South Africa. 171