Empowering Global Citizens Activity 5.5.9 Relation between Poverty and Hunger The teacher then presents students with a poverty map of the world and a hunger map of the world and asks students to overlay one on the other. The students are asked to list countries that appear on both maps. The students should identify three countries that appear on both maps. The teacher will then divide the class into three groups, and each group will research one country to figure out why poverty and hunger are linked in that context. They will then share their understandings with the class. During the class discussion, the following extension questions may be asked: 1. If poverty was defined in another way, would this situation change? 2. If hunger were defined in an alternate way, how would it change? ACtiVity 5.5.10 What Did I See Today on My Way Home, and How Should We Treat the Poor? In this activity, the students go back to some of the thoughts they had about the poor in activity 5. The teacher may also ask the students to re— examine their thoughts and observations in light of what they’ve learned thus far. The next day in class, the teacher addresses some of these concerns and at- tempts to trash the stereotypes that the students have about being poor and about who they believe to be poor. The teacher then asks the students the following questions: 1. How do they think the poor should be treated? 2. What does the UDHR say about how to treat people? 3. What do respect and dignity mean in our interactions with people? 163