Empowering Global Citizens and principles that govern their own actions in class. The list should in— clude the essentials related to treating everyone with equality, respect, and dignity. Activity 5.5.4 What Did I See on My Way Back Home Today? Students are shown a short clip: http://www.agarota.com/e_mk_release.html. The teacher then asks the students to carefully observe what they see on their way back home from school that day. They should then answer the following questions: Did you see poor people? What makes you think that those people are poor? Why do you think those people are poor? 9*P’NT‘ Were those people doing something in particular that classified them as poor? . Were they wearing certain kinds of clothes? 6. What kinds of homes might those people live in? Stereotypes will emerge from this discussion. The teacher should allow the students to record the stereotypes and their reactions to them in their jour— nals. They can them form partnerships to share the stereotypes and their reactions to them, highlighting the similarities and differences in the stereo— types and reactions. Students can then lead a class discussion about each of these questions, and the reasons behind what they saw,. through the lens of poverty, articulating the many complex reasons that influence poverty at an individual and household level. The aim of the activity that follows is for students to examine the underly— ing causes of poverty and for the teacher to address some of the stereotypes that emerge.