Fernando M. Reimers et a1. McGraw-Hill MacMillian (https://www.mheonline.com/) called Timelin/es: The Haitian Revolution (2009). Resources ' Frederick Douglass’s 1893 lecture on Haiti (http://www.americasli~ brarygov/j b/progress/jb__progress_clouglass_1 .html) ' The Louverture Project (httpz/ / thelouvertureproject.org/ index. php?title=Main_Page) 0 National History Day Essay Winner Jim Thomson’s “The Haitian Revolution and the Forging of America” (http://wwwhistorycoop erative.org/journals/ht/34.1/th0mson.htrnl) ' Africans in America’s “Declaration of the Rights of Man” from PBS (httpz/ /Www. pbs.org/wgbh/ aia/ part3/ 3111 577t.html) 0 Teaching for Changes “Teaching About Haiti” (http://www.teach— ingforchange.org/publications/haiti) ’ Teaching History’s “Teaching About Haiti” (http://teachinghistory. org/nhec—blog/23787) ° The UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights (http://WWW. un.org/en/documents/ udhr/index.shtml