Empowering Global Citizens Activity 5.2.5 The Life of Benjamin Franklin After a brief introduction, the students should research the life of Benjamin Franklin. This research should focus on the following topics: 1. His life as a thinker and an inventor 2. His role in the expansion of the printing press as a popular medium 3. His role in gaining support for the American War of Independence from the French and his role as the first American ambassador to France 4. His use of wit and comedy Resources ° http://www.pbs.org/benfranklin/ ° http://www.webenglishteacher.com/franklin.html Optional Activity The Colonial Times Newspaper: An Exploration of the Ideas of and Motivations for the War (See appendix A for detailed instructions.) Activity5 ..2 6 Propaganda and Imagery in the American Revolution First, the teacher should introduce the class to the following slogans (ad— ditional slogans can be used): 143