Fernando M. Reimers et a1. Earliest cave paintings (about 50,000 BCE) Earliest writings (pictorial) from Ancient Sumer (about 4000 BCE) Hammurabi’s Code (about 700 BCE) Signing of the Magna Carta (AD 1215) Invention of the printing press (AD 1465) 95”?“93‘37‘ Publication of Thomas Paine’s Common Sense, which became the most widely sold and circulated book in American history to that point (AD 1776) 7. Invention of the silicon chip, the basis of personal computers, by Jack Kilby and Robert Noyce (AD 1961) 8. Invention of the World Wide Web by Tim Berners—Lee (AD 1991) Students should create a drawing and a brief description of their assigned event to be posted in the classroom. The teacher and students create a scaled time line. This needs to be done along a long hallway or outside. The teacher needs to determine the amount of available space ahead of time. Once that is determined, the period be— tween 30,000 BCE and AD 2000 (32,000 years will be scaled in more com- pressed form than the rest of the timeline. If you have one hundred feet of space, then each foot will represent 320 years, for example. The students assigned the cave paintings will stand at the far end of it. Then the students assigned the earliest writings will stand at the appropriate distance from them. In the end, the first few events will be very far away from one another and very widely spaced out. Then after the signing of Magna Carta or the invention of the printing press, the students will stand very close to one another. They will learn that the development of the written word and the development of technology that can spread the written word quickly have led to many rapid developments. (Note that the Morgan Library in New York City is an excellent resource for printing history and printed resources.) 142