Unit Topic Fernando M. Reimers et 31. 5.2 From Colonialism to Democracy: The US Revolution Themes ICC: interpersonal; ethics; work and mind habits; economic Region Length development; world history; geography; comparative gov— ernment; arts: literature, visual, and drama; analyze and as— sess; the use of technology United States Nine weeks Goals and Objectives 3. Learn to describe the key events leading up to the American Revolution and the causes of the Revolution; to identify the phil- osophical tradition of the Enlightenment and its relation to the Revolution; and to describe the formation of a democratic nation. Inspire in students an appreciation for a momentous historical event that set in motion many of the modern systems of governance used today. Act by demonstrating an understanding of the historical time line and philosophical underpinnings of the American. Revolution. Skills and Knowledge Students will describe the key events leading up to the American Revolution and the causes of the Revolution and identify the philosoph— ical tradition of the Enlightenment and its relation to the Revolution. Students will describe the formation of a democratic nation. Students will evaluate the vision of the founders, using many sourc— es to identify varying perspectives. 136