THE WORLD COURSE FIFTH GRADE: FREEDOM AND THE RIGHTS OF INDIVIDUALS: SOCIAL CHANGE AROUND THE RIGHTS OF INDIVIDUALS Theme l I nderstanding how civic engagement helps people improve themselves and their communities. Description In this grade the primary focus is on individual rights and freedoms as well as on social change. It builds from the creation of a classroom community. It then moves into historical explorations of various inde~ pendence movements (the United States is the primary focus, and the French, Haitian, and South African resistances to oppression are also discussed). In this sense, it is meant to build on immediate concepts and them move back through history, starting with the most familiar contexts and expanding to other global contexts. This unit also stresses nonviolence as a successful path to resistance to Oppression and to in” dependence. The MDGS and SDGS and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights provide the foundation for Students to identify and ex~ amine organizations promoting human rights historically and helping students can organize around issues through the capstone activity. The year ends with a capstone in which the Students create their own media documentary about one of the SDGS. 130