Unit Topic Empowering Global Citizens 4.4 Capstone Activity: Civilization Games Themes Economic development, demography, world history, geog— Region Length Goals 1. raphy, world religions, comparative government, arts, and investigative and analytical skills China, Egypt, and All Length Three to four weeks and Objectives Learn to apply the components of civilization (government, reli— gion, economy, arts, technology, settlement, and system of writing) to both ancient Egypt and China by playing student—created games. 2. Inspire in students an appreciation for the complexities of civiliza— tions and the achievements of civilizations. 3. Evaluate Egypt and China by creating and playing games that rein— force the learning from the year. Skills and Knowledge 1. Students will understand the components of civilization (government, religion, economy, arts, technology, settlement, and system of writing). 2. Students will evaluate the components of civilization Within two contexts. 3. Students will compare the two contexts in a systematic and logical way. Overview In this capstone activity, students review the components of civilization (government, religion, economy, arts, technology, settlement, and system of writing) by creating games in small groups. The fourth grade is divided into 127