Empowering Global Citizens 0 Information on the Nile (http://WWW.bbc.co.uk/history/ancient/ egyptians/nile_01.shtml#three) ' An accessible, interactive, clickable map of the Valley of the Kings (http://www.thebanmappingproject.com/atlas/index.html) ' A link to purchase replicas of canopic jars, which could be used as an extension of activity 4.3.1 (http://www.museumstorecom— pany.com/Set—of—Canopic—Jars—Egyptian~Museum—Cairo~650—B— C—p5538.html) ° The Egypt section of Time Life} Lost Civilizations (http://www.ama~ zon.com/Time-Lifes—Lost—Civilizations—DVDs/ dp/ BOOOOGL942/ re f=sr_1_7?s=dvd&ie=UTF8&qid=1306892602&sr=1—7) Activity 4.3.4 Modern Egypt: Protests, Culture, and an Introduction to the Arab World Students examine maps of Cairo and identify Tahrir Square, the site of protests demanding the removal of Hosni Mubarak from the presidency. Students use current—events articles (http://www.socialstudiesforkids.corn/ subjects/currentevents_egyptprotest32011.htm) to determine the reasons for the protest, the forms of the protest, the responses to the protest, and the outcomes of the protest. Activity 4.3.5 Modern Egyptian Culture Students will examine modern Egyptian culture through a study of the modern city of Cairo, linking the ancient history with the modern, with Egyptians of today, and with globalizing influences. — Students will use maps to identify the cultural, historical, and politi— cal landmarks of Cairo. — Students will identify Islam as the majority religion in Egypt and describe the major tenets and sacred texts of the religion. Students 125