Fernando M. Reimers et al. the stone or whether it should be returned) using the following easily adapt— able lesson plan from MacMillan Global: http://www.macmillanglobal. com/elessons/lesson—plan—S~the—rosetta—stone. Activity 4.3.3 Independent Research Projects Students will form groups to research the components of civilization es— tablished in the previous unit on China (government, religion, economy, arts, technology, settlement, and system of writing) in ancient Egypt. Some achievements of ancient Egyptian civilization, such as shipbuilding, math— ematics, medicine, construction techniques, glass, art, and architecture, could also be subjects of independent study within the small groups. The groups will present their research to the class, and the teacher should guide the students in taking notes in their archaeologist notebooks. This unit can be supplemented by a field trip to view ancient Egyptian art at the Metropolitan Museum of Art (http://www.metmuseum.org/ about—the-met/curatorial—departments/egyptian~art). Resources ' A lesson plan from National Geographic (http://www.nationalgeo— graphic.com/ Xpeditions/ lessons/ 06/ g35/ kingtuthtml) 0 A lesson plan from Discovery Education (http://www.discoveryedu— cation.com/teachers/free—lesson~plans/ancient-egypt.cfm) ° A lesson plan on mummy masks (http://www.art-rageous.net/ MummyMask-LPhtml) 0 A lesson plan from the Museum of Science, including a “planning for your afterlife” game (http://www.mos.org/quest/teaching.php) ° High school lesson plans that can be adapted from (http://www. pbs.org/empires/egypt/pdf/lesson7.pdf) 124