Fernando M. Reimers et a1. 3. Students will evaluate the link between ancient and modern cul— tures in Egypt. Overview This unit covers the second ancient civilization and modern civilization that will be studied this year while still applying the components of civilization and the link to modern civilization studied in the previous unit. The stu- dents are gaining research experience, so this unit includes more indepen— dent research. It also includes a focus on current events, particularly on the protests in Tahrir Square. Activity 4.3.1 What Are the Meanings behind this Artifact? The school should purchase the following replica artifact from the Museum Store for classroom use: An offering to Isis and Osiris-~Temple of Isis, Philae, Egypt. Dynasty XXVI, 530 BC (http://www.museumstorecompany. com/An—offering—to—Isis—and—Osiris'Temple—ofeisis—Philae—Egypt—Dynasty— XXV I—530—B~C—p5583.html). The artifact itself can serve as a springboard for a discussion of the relationship between the rulers of Egypt and the gods, myths, rituals, and hieroglyphics. The students should examine the artifact and take careful notes about its physical qualities. As it is a stone relief, students can make paper and wax rubbings of the stone to examine in small groups. Students should then research the site the Temple of Isis in Philae, Egypt, using the following website: http://www.ancientegyptonline.co.uk/isisphilae. html#gate. The story of Isis and Osiris is told here in language appropriate for fourth graders: http://www.ancientegypt.co.uk/gods/home.html 122