Fernando M. Reimers et a]. the time to prepare, plan, and execute a high—quality documentary. Upon re— ceiving a film from the partner school, students should compare the school experience of their peers in their Chinese sister school with their own and the context of their peers’ school with that of their own, noting similarities and differences. Resources ' New York Film Academy (http://www.nyfa.edu/film~ school/documentary—filmmaking/?gclid=CKiV5r7flKkCFQl75 QodkOpDcg) A 0 American Film Institute (http://www.afi.com/) 0 Documentary Film Institute (http://wwwdocfilm.sfsu.edu/education/) ' Lesson plans and information organized by time period from Columbia University’s Asia for Educators (http://afeeasiacolum— bia.edu/) ' The China section of Time Lifi": Lost Civilizations http://www.ama— zon.com/Time—Lifes—Lost—Civilizations—DVDS/dp/B00006L942/re f=sr_l_7?s=clvd&ie=UTF8&qid=1306892602&sr=1—7 120