Empowering Global Citizens for each mode of transport. Imagine what you eat in the different regions you travel through. If you needed to talk with the local in— habitants, how many languages would you need to know? Would you need different clothes in different regions so as not to be too hot or too cold? If you stayed in the homes of the local inhabitants, how would these homes be constructed? Activity 4.2.7 Chinese Children’s Film Children should watch Nimrz’r Summer (http://www.amazon.com/Nimas— Summer/dp/BOO43P14SU), a part—anime, part~live action film about a boy who moves from a rural Village in Tibet and then attends a middle school in a metropolis. Students should take note of the cultural differences experi— enced by the boy in the film. An alternative film to watch is The Rain in Spring (http://www.amazon. com/Rain-spring—Xiaobin—Zhang/dp/B00480PTQS/ref:sr_1_3?ie=UTF 8&qidz1306900790&sr=1—3—spell), which doesn’t have animation and is about a strong relationship between a teacher and his students. It’s a very touching story and will provide ample opportunities for discussions regard— ing Chinese culture and relationships. Activity 4.2.8 Classroom Connection and Minicapstone: Documentary Film Project Students create documentaries about their own classroom and school to share with students in a partner school in China. Students should base their documentaries on either of the two films mentioned above. Students should take care to film the surrounding community, social and geographical con— text of the school, to discuss its history, and to show its teachers and stu— dents. This should be a rigorous media project, and the students should take 119