Empowering Global Citizens Using their archaeologist notebooks, students make detailed notes about the bronze and make inferences about its significance and use, for example. Activity 4.2.2 Understanding Civilizations and Ancient China The following lesson plan from Primary Source should be used to guide students in developing a framework for understanding that civiliza— tions consist of main components (government, religion, economy, arts, technology, settlement, and system of writing) and applying those com— ponents to ancient China: http://resourcesprimarysource.org/content. php?pid=55748&sid=408002 This activity should take about nine separate forty—five—minute lessons to complete. Activity 4.2.3 Bringing Ancient Chinese History to Life: A Living Time Line Activity The students will create a time line of Chinese history, with partners being assigned varying points on the time line to research. They will then present to the class two or three of the major events of their time period in the form of a short drama. Activity 4.2.4 Leading up to Modern China In small groups the students will study the following major periods, people, and events by using guided Internet searches: Students will then make pre- sentations to their class on the following topics: 117