Empowering Global Citizens What does consumption over the past ten years look like? 5. What does superimposing consumption and production on the same graph reveal? 6. If certain countries stop producing or consuming these products, what impact will those changes have on the children in those countries? 7. Is there any form of product differentiation based on where the product is exported? 8. \Vhat fair—trade and child labor—related controversies have con- cerned the product? 9. How have these controversies been addressed? 10. In a supermarket or a department store, can one find versions of these products that are organically produced or free—trade certified? Activity 3.8.2 Introduce Design for Change in the context of the SDGs Using the lesson plans on designing for change offered by UNICEF, engage students in a discussion around the generation of innovative solutions that students may use to address one and/ or several of the SDGs (httpsz/lteachu— nicef.org/teaching—materials/topic/sustainable—development—goals).