Unit Topic Theme Region Length Goals 1. 3. Skills 1. Empowering Global Citizens 3.8 Beyond Chocolate Globalization; ICC: intrapersonal (curiosity about global alfairs); work and mind habits: innovation and creativity; and geography Any/all Remaining time (time and interest permitting) and Objectives Learn about global interdependencies in manufacturing for other food products. Extend the discussion of interdependencies to the achievement of the SDGS. Inspire students to undertake a comparative study across different products based on the framework they’ve been introduced to. Act by being smart consumers of different products and by under— standing the process of value addition across different food products and the controversies associated with it. and Knowledge Students will become aware of and familiar with value addition in different food products. Students will compare and contrast similarities and differences in value addition in different food products. Students will articulate how different stakeholders have addressed the controversies associated with value addition and free trade in different food products.