Empowering Global Citizens Told—Folk/ dp/ O 1 52 1 68 206/ ref=sr_1__1 9 ?s=books&ie=UTF 8&qid: 1310112472&sr=1—19). ° Two illustrated books for children about markets across the world (http://www.amazon.com/Market—Days—Around—World/dp/ O816735050/ref=sr_1_5?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=131011244986 sr=1—5) and (http://www.amazon.com/Markets—Global—Community— Cassie—Mayer/dp/ 1403494134/ref:sr_1_13?s=books&ie=UTF8&qi (1:13101 12472&Sr=1—13) (Note that if the markets that are listed in the books are not the ones the students will sell their chocolate in, a parent from one of the target—market countries may be called to make an audiovisual presentation about the mar— ket in that particular country.) Activity 3.7.2 May the Best Chocolate Win After learning about their target markets, the students are informed that they have been given a chocolate stand at a market and that they have to sell their chocolate there. Based on what they’ve learned thus far regarding the culture and lifestyles in these other countries, students have to design a marketing campaign for their products. To do so, they should answer the following questions: 1. What differentiates their product from other products? (The answer could be its content, packaging, or price.) What makes their prod— uct unique and distinct? 2. How will they price it? Why will it be priced that way? 3. Besides schools and sporting events, where else could they sell their product? 4. Has the chocolate been culturally adapted? (Note that to help stu— dents with this question, the teacher can draw from pictures and 103