Fernando M. Reimers et 3]. Overview In this unit, students learn about the ways different markets of the world appear, they ways they’re organized, and they ways their organization might influence the sales of products. Students work toward creating a market— ing campaign around their chocolate and examine some of the intricacies behind their final decisions about how they’ll price and market their end product in fair and ethical ways. Students also pick a brand ambassador and a logo for their chocolate. (Note that based on time availability and interest, this could be the culmi— nating activity of this year, or the teacher could proceed to the next unit. The last activity in this unit should be fun, competitive, and collaborative.) Activity 3.7.1 Markets of the World Each team has to conduct background research on the way the markets in their country look. Using pictures, videos, and articles, they create a profile of mar— kets in their target countries. These profiles can answer the following questions: — Are the markets open or covered? — Are the markets crowded? — Who shops at these markets? Do children come to these markets? —— What is sold at these markets? Are goods cheap or expensive? Each team also reads a book about the markets of the world. For some sug— gestions, see the resources below. Resources ° This may be a little childish, but it could be used in earlier grades as an interesting read (http://www.amazon.com/Market—Day-Story— 102