Empowering Global Citizens society: businesses (e.g., chocolate—manufacturing companies), consumers, and NGOs. Students are provided with a challenge that concerns tackling child labor in their own chocolate—manufacturing businesses. As a class, they have to find a solution to the child—labor issue, and each group of stakeholders has to take its own approach to the issue. The aim is for students to understand the different approaches that may be adopted. Each group is then introduced to the different approaches that the other stakeholder groups have decided to adopt. Resources 0 Approaches chocolate manufacturers have adapted to prevent child labor —fair—trade cocoa and chocolate and manufacturing organic cocoa (http://WWW.icco.org/about/chocolate.aspx). (Note that an executive of a chocolate—manufacturing company can be brought into the class as a guest speaker and that the students can interview him or her about fair wages and child labor in the industry.) 0 Approaches NGOs have used to advocate with chocolate manu— facturers around issues of fair trade and child labor (http://WWW. worldcocoafoundation.org/index.html). The teacher introduces to the students the International Labour Organization (ILO) and explains its role in advocating against child labor. (See the re— sources listed at the end of unit.) 99 UNNERSITY H.S. LlBRAR‘s’