Empowering Global Citizens 5. Students will be confident about their agency and efficacy in ad— dressing the issue. Overview Beginning with the cocoa—plantation industry, students are familiarized with the issue of child labor, which is then discussed in the context of other industries. Through the use of literature and stories about child labor in different industries, students will analyze some of the complexities of child labor as well as its moral— economic—, and development—related causes and effects Students also learn about the International Labour Organization and its efforts to eliminate child labor globally. Since students will be involved in creating their own chocolate, they Will collectively seek to discover the most effective way to combat child labor in the chocolate—manufacturing industry and discuss how they’d like to tackle the issue. Activity 3.6.1 Understanding Child Labor The teams present their findings concerning the different valuations placed on schooling and the proportion of out—of—school children in each of the countries to the class. All of the students are introduced to the issues of child labor in cocoa planta- tions and in the chocolate—manufacturing industry. Use the following link to learn facts about child labor in cocoa plantations and to study advocacy materials that advocacy—based organizations have used when advocating with chocolate—manufacturing companies: http:// www.5topthetraffik.org/resources/chocolate/#1. Each team reads a book that deals with child labor in different industries. 97