Unit Topic Theme Region Length Fernando M. Reimers et a]. 3.6 Child Labor ICC: intrapersonal (curiosity about global affairs); ethics (trust in institutions, commitment to equality, importance of glob— a1 compacts, and commitment to supporting human rights); work and mind habits: cross—cultural perspective taking and innovation and creativity; economic development; and poverty Developing world, especially West African cocoa—producing countries Four weeks Goals and Objectives Skills Learn about the issues related to child labor. Inspire students to examine the nuances of child labor and to un— derstand its complexities in depth. Act by describing some differences in childhood experiences and by formulating a call to action for addressing the issue. and Knowledge Students will become aware of the complexities of child labor and describe the issues related to child labor in cocoa plantations and thus in chocolate manufacturing. Students will be informed about the different forms of child labor across the world and the different ways in which they impact children. Students will articulate stakeholders’ different approaches to tackling child—labor issues and debate and defend their own stances on the issue. Students will be aware of concepts such as organic production and fair trade certification. 96