Fernando M. Reimers et al. 4. Would students still buy this product if it were located a little far- ther away in another part of the building? How much does location matter? Activity 3.5.2 School Life across the World Students are then asked to think about how they might want to sell their chocolates in their target—market countries. But before that, the teacher asks the students if they indeed can reach all children by selling their products in schools—«what if there are children who don’t go to school? The students are then asked to find out more information from their pen pals by asking them the following questions: 1. What percentage of children attend school in these countries? (Note that students may also find this information in reports, such as the UNESCO Education for All: Global Monitoring Report.) 2. Why do they think that some children in these countries don’t go to school? 3. What does a regular school life look like across the world? Is it the same as their school life, or are there differences? 4. Why do their pen pals go to school? The teacher also shows the students excerpts from the PBS Series Time fir School (http://www.pbs.org/show/time—school/) and (http://www.thirteen.org/ programs/time—for—school/) In a video journal, the students reflect upon why they themselves go to school and on the relative value that is placed on schooling in different parts of the world. Students also may reflect on the ways their schooling experi— ences differ from others’ schooling experiences. Students reflect on those 94