Empowering Global Citizens Overview In this unit, students form pen—pal relationships with students in the coun— tries Where their chocolate will be sold. Through these interactions, students develop a better understanding of the culture of their market, of how people in it interact with one another, and of the food preferences of those people. Students will also form their own discussion questions based on the assigned books, which will serve to provide them with background information on and insight into the culture of their markets. As these interactions with their pen pal continue, students will also reflect on their thoughts about the cul— tures of their target markets, on the stereotypes they initially had about them, and on how those thoughts and stereotypes have changed over time. (Note that while the suggested length for this unit is about two weeks, it could also be made into a semester—long, ongoing activity where their pen pals serve as consultants as the students further explore the market where they will sell their chocolate.) Activity 3.4.1 Getting to Know the Other In this unit, the students are introduced to pen pals in their sister schools. The aim of this activity is for students to know more about the background and preferences of the children who will be the teams’ customers. Each stu— dent will be paired with a pen pal. Each student will exchange information with his or her pen pal by asking and answer the following questions: 1. What languages are spoken in the country? 2. How do people greet one another, and what is the common eti- quette in this country? 3. What food preferences do children have? 4. Are children commonly given pocket money? 5. What does daily life look like? 6. Does the student have a large or small family? 89