Unit Topic Theme Region Length Fernando M. Reimers et a1. 3.4 Understanding the Culture of My Market ICC: interpersonal (one’s own identity and culture, oth— ers’ identities and cultures, and etiquette); ethics: humility, respect, and common values; and work and mind habits: cross-cultural perspective taking Any/ all Two weeks at first and then throughout the semester Goals and Objectives 3. Skills Learn about the day—to-day life and the culture in their target coun— tries and learn to interact with another student in a different part of the world using technology. Inspire students to appreciate cultural nuances and differences and to draw comparisons in order to examine how life differs across the world. Act by using technology to regularly communicate effectively and respectfully with someone very different in another country. and Knowledge Use technology to communicate with their pen pal on an ongoing basis and become comfortable doing so even though they haven’t seen or met their pen pals in person. Share details of their own culture and contrast it with the cultures of their pen pals. Describe daily lifestyles of other children in different parts of the world. Appreciate literature from different parts of the world. Reflect on their own practices and readily express their apprehen— sions and excitement about communicating with people from dif~ ferent parts of the world. 88