Unit Topic Theme Region Length Goals 1. 3. Skills Empowering Global Citizens 3.3 Let’s Make Our Own Chocolate ICC: interpersonal (one’s own identity and culture and oth— ers’ identities and cultures); work and mind habits: innova— tion and creativity; geography; and economics Any/ all Four weeks and Objectives Learn about some of the decisions involved in establishing a busi— ness and about how distance and geography play a role in value— addition processes. Inspire students to learn more about these underlying interdepen— dencies and about how different pieces of information are required to understand product markets in a holistic way. Act by describing Where to get the main raw ingredient from and plot on a map the locations of the countries that grow it and their target—market countries. and Knowledge Students will describe some of the important pieces of information that they need before they can create a product. Students will understand the concepts of export, import, markups, different modes of transportation, and distance as it relates to man— ufacturing decisions. Students will demonstrate an understanding of the use of budgets and the ability to stick to one while planning a trip. 83