Unit Topic Theme Region Length Goals 1. 3. Skills Empowering Global Citizens 3.1 Setting the Stage for the Life of a Chocolate Geography; globalization; ICC; and work and mind habits: innovation and creativity Cocoa—producing areas (West Africa: Ivory Coast, Ghana, Nigeria, Cameroon, Togo; Mexico; Brazil; Malaysia, and Indonesia) One to two weeks and Objectives Learn a story in a classic children’s book (Charlie and the Chocolate Factmy) and begin to see chocolate as a global product. Inspire students to take interest in examining some of the global interdependencies in the creation of chocolate. Act by demonstrating an understanding of the fact that the main ingredient in chocolate and its production are confined to very few parts of the world. and Knowledge Students will become familiar with the plot of a classic children’s literary piece: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Students will understand how the actions of individuals impact eventual outcomes, as in the case of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Students will plot on a map the countries where cocoa is grown across the world and also understand that the sites for growth, pro— cessing, and exporting don’t necessarily have to be the same. 75