Fernando M. Reimers et 31. their chocolate in those markets. Based on what they’ve learned through discus— sions with their pen pals about the culture, lifestyles, and preferences in their countries, students create their final prototype, a logo, and their own advertising campaign for the chocolate. At the same time, they question key business-related concepts such as free trade, child labor, and creating products that are ethical, and they learn to acknowledge, appreciate, and value diversity across the world. Looking Back Exploring similarities, commonalities and differences between people and cultures across the world Looking Forward Understanding the formation, maintenance, governance and the decline of ancient and modern civilizations across time Overview of the Units 1) Setting the Stage for the Life of a Chocolate 2) The Life of a Chocolate and Its History 3) Let’s Make Our Own Chocolate 4) Understanding the Culture of My Market 5)‘ Marketing My Chocolate in School 6) Child Labor 7) Taking My Chocolate to the Market 8) Beyond Chocolate Capstone A Yearlong project in which students develop a business plan and manage a business of selling chocolate. 74