THE WORLD COURSE THIRD GRADE: UNDERSTANDING GLOBAL INTERDEPENDENCE THROUGH ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN CHOCOLATE MANUFACTURING Theme E Xploring and experimenting with social entrepreneurship to address global issues, especially around child labor; Understanding and address— ing social and global issues from an inter—disciplinary lens using the perspec— tives of multiple stakeholders such as individuals, businesses, and NGOS. Description In this year, students learn about entrepreneurship and managing a business. They Start with knowing that they have to make their own kind of chocolate but based on the multiple processes that underpin chocolate manufacturing as it moves from raw material to a finished product. Students also examine the growth of chocolate as a global phenomenon through a historical perspective. The students work in groups and imagine that they are the owners of a choco— late business that they want to expand into three different countries. Students are introduced to a pen pal from each of those countries and learn about those countries’ cultural values and norms and begin to recognize some of the ste— reotypes about them. Throughout the year, students “manage” a business by monitoring the associated expenses, developing a business strategy, and creating a prototype. Students learn about different physical markets in the world, focus— ing specifically in three countries they study, and are informed that they can sell 73