Fernando M. Reimers et .3]. Resources 1. Kids Make a Difference articles from Scholastic http://www2.scho— lastic.com/browse/collection.jspPid=504) 2. UNICEF’s lesson plan on introducing the SDGs (https://teachu— nicef.org/teaching~materials/topic/sustainablevdevelopment—goals) 3. The iEARN projects created for the purpose of introducing the SDGs (https://iearn.org/news/iearn—projects—align—to—the«un—sus— tainable—development—goals) Activity 2.4.2 What Can We Do Together to Help Other Children Get an Education? In class the teacher will lead a discussion of how students can help with the education of other children. The teacher will present some of the organiza— tions that are involved in supporting education, explain the ways they do it, and suggest ways that the students in the class could make a contribution. The students in the class will decide which other children they want to help and how and implement a plan to help in a concrete way. The teacher may do this activity in collaboration with the partner school. 72