Empowering Global Citizens Skills and Knowledge 1. Students will learn the characteristics that children change makers share. 2. Students will recognize their own capacity to be change makers. 3. Students will develop the skills to collaborate with others in or— der to make a tangible contribution to the education of other children. Overview In the concluding unit for the grade, students build on the previous analyses of similarities and differences in how children grow up around the world and in their opportunity to be educated and analyze the ways in which children can express their agency in positive ways that make a difference. Students engage in a small project in which they make a contribution to the education of other children in some part of the world. Activity 2.4.1 How Do We Help Others? The teacher will discuss examples of how the students help others at home, in their community, and beyond. The teacher will then discuss examples of children who have helped others on a larger scale—for example, the founders of the World Children Organization or some of the children fea— tured in Scholastic’s Kids Make a Difference series (see below). Students in the class will then be asked to read a story about one of those children and to create a painting or write a song, paragraph, or poem that explains how that child is making a difference and why that difference is important. The teacher will then introduce the SDGs using the lesson plans developed by UNICEF. 71