Empowering Global Citizens Parents are invited to submit songs appropriate for second graders that con— vey significant meaning. These songs are played in class, and the children discuss the themes addressed in these songs. They compare these themes. The teacher then introduces and plays additional songs, and students share what emotions those songs evoke and what themes they think are addressed in those songs. Students learn a few of these songs and situate their origin on a world map and a time line. Students are then introduced to projects in which musicians from around the world collaborate to promote global understanding through music. Resources 0 http://www.mamalisa.com/?t=e_atoz ° http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jessi_Colter_Sings_]ust_for_Kids:_ Songs_from__Around_the_World ° Playing for Change project (http://www.amazon.com/PFC-Songs— Around-WorldCombo/dp/BOO3T]4YUQ/ref=amb_link_35641 5782_3?pf__ rd_m=ATVPDKIKXODER&pf_rd__s=hero—quick—promo&pf_ rd_r=1SDMQ9GY4MQ2GKXP801N&pf_rd_t=201&pf_rd_ p:1299285482&pf_rd~i=B001QOOCTE) 69