Empowering Global Citizens various countries: http://www.pbs.org/wnet/wideangle/episodes/time—for~ school—series/introduction/4340/. Activity 2.2.3 Growing Up Around the World Using a library of books that describe growing up in different countries, stu— dents in small teams select a country whose children they want to learn more about. They read a book, and with the assistance of the teacher, who will draw from the Greenwood Encyclopedia of Children’s Issues LVorldwz'de, they prepare a presentation for their peers on how children grow up in the coun— try they selected. That presentation focuses on analyses of what percent— age of the children in that country attend elementary school and secondary school and of what forms of child labor exist in the country. Students place on a world map the country they are studying. Students will also develop activities, reflective essays, drawings, and discussions. Teacher Resources ° The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Children’s Issues Wrldwide, which has very complete summary chapters describing basic characteristics of childhood in most countries. 0 A list of literature about growing up in various countries. Ideally, the school library will have all of these titles; if not, the teacher can select a subset of them specifically for this activity. (http://WWW. ala.org/ala/mgrps/divs/alsc/compubs/booklists/growingupwrld/ GrowingUpAroundWorld.cfm.)