Fernando M. Reimers et al. Unit 2.2 Topic Growing Up in Different Cultures Theme Diverse cultural perspectives, curiosity about global affairs, cross—cultural perspective taking, empathy, commitment to equality, variation within cultural groups, poverty, the use of evidence, and the use of technology Region India, Japan, and the world (as reflected in the countries represented by partner schools) Length Ten weeks (four activities and fourteen sessions) Students examine how children grow up in various parts ofthe world, including the rights and responsibilities that children have. Beginning with themselves and with their peers in their partner school, students examine how children spend their time and their rights and responsi— bilities at home and in school. They also define and give examples of some of the rights and responsibilities that students as citizens have in school (e.g., students have the right to vote in class elections and have the responsibility to follow rules). Students then learn about growing up in various cultures and learn about how different de— mands and opportunities influence school attendance. Goals and Objectives 1. Learn: Learn similarities and differences in how children live in dif— ferent cultures 2. Inspire students to take interest in various cultures, in how children live and grow up in different cultures, and in communicating with them using modern telecommunication technologies 3. Act by describing the rights and responsibilities of children in dif— ferent cultures and by sharing those descriptions with students in other parts of the world. 62