Empowering Global Citizens How would you describe the game? How many students play? How does the game foster cooperation? How does the game foster competition? What kind of skill is required to play the game? What resources are necessary to play the game? $9.00.“??ka In what way is the game fun? 10. Where did the game originate? Do we know what country is the game originally from? 1 1. In what countries is this game played? Using the posters that the students prepared as homework, the teacher leads a discussion in which the students in class compare and contrast the various games they learned about. They compare the games played by their parents with the games they themselves play. They count repeated occurrences of the same games and examine variations of those games. On a world map, they color—code the countries in which the games discussed in class are played. Activity 2.1 .BObserving Children Play In small groups during recess, students observe students in other classes in the school as they play games. They take pictures and videos. Using the ru— bric they’ve used so far to analyze games, they interview the other children about the games they play. In class, they report their observations and pro— duce posters to systematically compare the various games they’ve observed. They discuss the differences in age and gender composition of the groups they’ve observed and which games those groups play. Activity 2.1 .4Talking about Games with Children in Other Parts of the World Students examine and analyze how Children play in various countries and regions, beginning with the countries and cultures represented in the class