Unit Topic Theme Region Length Fernando M. Reimers et a]. 2.1 Similarities and Differences Across Cultures Diverse cultural perspectives, empathy, variations within cultural groups, curiosity about global affairs, geogra— phy, common values, the use of evidence, and the use of technology Any/all, with more emphasis on the countries represented by the children’s parents and on the countries in which partner schools are located. It would be helpful if various sections of the same grade covered different countries and attempted to have representation of various world regions (e.g., Africa, Asia, Europe, and Latin America) Eight weeks (six activities and twelve sessions) Goals and Objectives Skills 1. Learn similarities and differences in how children play in different cultures and understand the limitations of representing an entire culture or country with ideal types or averages, understanding that within every culture, there is variation. Inspire students to take interest in various cultures, cultural differ— ences, and the ways children live in different cultures. Spark their desire to communicate with children in other countries with the use of modern telecommunication technologies. Act by describing the games children play in different cultures and sharing those observations with students in other parts of the world. and Knowledge Students will describe the games that they and other children in their school play and then present those descriptions in a poster. 54