THE WORLD COURSE SECOND GRADE: OURSELVEs AND OTHERS Theme ‘ N 2 ho are we, where do we come from, what do we have in common, and how do we differ from others and what needs to we have in com— mon? Exploring people, culture, and the world. Description In this grade students explore cultural differences with a special focus on how childhood is experienced in different parts of the world. They read stories about children, forms of play, customs, and myths; study literature and music from around the world; and learn about different places around the world. They also examine the way in which children can make a sig— nificant difference in the world around them and collaborate in a project to improve the educational opportunities of other children. Students are introduced to the SDGs. This year students work with peers in at least one other second grade in an— other country. Periodically, students check in with their peers in their sister school to compare notes on what they’re learning, to obtain information, and to make presentations. The year places a special emphasis on having the children observe their own experiences and surroundings as well as the experiences of others. The