Empowering Global Citizens different from those that people play in other families (e.g., many children in other countries take a more active role in caring for their siblings than do children in the United States)? Resources 0 An optional activity on children’s roles around the world (http:/l www.discoveryeducation.com/teachers/free—lesson—plans/children— around—the—world.cfm) 0 Lessons on children around the world, with many references to di— verse families https://sharemylesson.com/partner/peace—corps—world—wise-schools 0 Another unit using children’s literature to inspire students to reflect on the idea of family (http://www.halcyon.com/marcs/theme.html) 0 A review of children’s literature on families of different types (http:// www.carolhurst.com/newsletters/23bnewsletters.html) ' The Mosaic Project (on conflict resolution) ' All families are special by Norma Simon ° The family book paperback by Todd Parr ° Mommy, Mama, and Me board book by Leslea Newman ° It’s Okay to be different by Todd Parr