Empowering Global Citizens And still we are A family. We laugh and cry, We work and play, We help each other Every day. The world’s a lovely Place to be Because we are A family. or this one What is a family? Who is a family? One and another makes two is a family! Baby and father and mother: a family! Parents and sister and brother: a family! All kinds of people can make up a family All kinds of mixtures can make up a family What is a family? Who is a family? The children that lived in a shoe is a family! A pair like a kanga and mo is a family! A calf and a cow that go moo is a family! All kinds of creatures can make up a family All kinds of numbers can make up a family What is a family? Who is a family? Either a lot or a few is a family; But whether there’s ten or there’s two in your family, All of your family plus you is a family! (Mary Ann Hoberman) 49