Fernando M. Reimers et a]. (htt p:/ / www.0xfam.org. uk/ education/ resources/ yo ur_world_my_wo rld/ files/lesson6_our_friends_and_us.pdf.). Activity 1.4.3 Myself Students help one another make life—size cutouts of themselves out of butch— er paper. One child will lie down on the paper, and another will trace his or her outline. The students talk to one another about their features and help one another draw paper versions of themselves on the paper. They can mix paint to make a shade similar to their skin color and see how people are all just varieties of a few shades. Activity 1.4.4 Family Poetry Students create their own poetry about caring relationships and families modeled after poems like this one Our family comes From many homes, Our hair is straight, Our hair is brown, Our hair is curled, Our eyes are blue, Our skins are different Colors, too. We’re girls and boys, We’re big and small, We’re young and old, We’re short and tall. We’re everything That we can be 48