Fernando M. Reimers et .31. Overview In this unit students learn about more human needs: clothing and shelter. They learn about what clothes and houses around the world have in com— men with their clothes and houses, respectively. Activity 1 .3.1 Books about Clothes and Houses The students read two photo books, one on clothes and the other on houses around the world. In each case, the students are asked to answer the follow— ing questions as part of a group discussion: NP‘WHKWNZ‘ What do the houses/ clothes have in common? Why do the houses/clothes look different in different places? What is familiar about the houses/clothes? What is unfamiliar about the houses/clothes? What kind of clothes do they themselves wear? Why? What kind of houses do they themselves live in? Why? Do they wear only one type of clothes, or do they wear more than one style or type? Why? Do they think that children in other countries only wear one style or type of clothes every day? Why or why not? The teacher can also use this guide to lead a lesson about Morris and Heyman’s Home: and Homes. Recommended Books Morris and Heyman’s Home: and Homes (ISBN 978-0688135782) Komatsu’s I/Vondeifit/HousesAmundt/ae IVorla’ (ISBN 978—0936070346) Gustafson’s Imagine a Home (ISBN 978—0972684903) Adamson’s Home: in Many Cultures” (ISBN: 978—1429633802) 44