Empowering Global Citizens Activity 1.2.8 Our Global Garden At the beginning of the year, the students will plant plants from some of the countries they’re studying. The students will evaluate what condi— tions exist in the country each plant is from in order to see what it needs to survive. They will be introduced to the concept of native plants and non-native plants. They will monitor the plants’ progress in class. pros— sible, students in another school in another country will do the same, and the two classes will share notes on the progress of their plants. Each student can have one plant that he or she must take care of all year, or the students can take turns being responsible for a plant. Each should keep a journal about what the plant needs to thrive, how he or she is meeting the needs of the plant, and the reasons that the plant is or isn’t thriving. (Note that the class may also want to investigate adopting a pet indigenous to one or more of the countries being studied. They can research what kind of habitat the animal needs, what kinds of things the animal eats, and names for the animal. They can then also reflect on what the pet needs to thrive and on whether the things the pet needs are the same as or different from what the plants need and what humans need. Chickens may be an ideal choice for this project.) Optional Activity Drip Calculator Students use this drip calculator to find out about water wastage: http://www.awwa.0rg/resources—tools/public—affairs/public—information/ dripcalculatoraspx. 4‘1