Fernando M. Reimers et al. First the students will compare what they ate with what other members of the class ate. Then they will compare the types of foods they ate with the types of foods their partners from another country ate. They will also place the country that their partners are from on their map. Activity 1.2.6 “Stone Soup” Students read several different versions of the folktale “Stone Soup.” They compare each version and think about why they might be different and how they are the similar. They mark on their map the origin of each version of the folktale. We recommend the following versions of the story: 0 Marcia Brown’s 1947 Caldecott Award—winning “Stone Soup” 0 Jon J. Muth’s 2003 “Stone Soup,” which is set in China 0 The versions listed on the University of Pittsburgh’s website: http:// www.pitt.edu/~dash/type1548.html Activity 1.2.7 Our Food, Our World Students complete the “Out Food, Our World” series of lessons from Oxfam. They learn about what foods children in India and Mexico eat and also learn about what they have in common with children in those countries. They add information that they learn from Yamini and Luis, two characters in the lessons, to their maps. http://www.oxfam.org.uk/education/resources/our_food-our_world/ 40