Unit Topic Region Length Empowering Global Citizens 1.2 Water and Food ICC: interpersonal (diverse cultural perspectives, one’s own identity and culture, others’ identities and cultures, and working in intercultural teams); ICC: intrapersonal (mini- mization of the effects of prejudice; ethics: common values, commitment to equality, the value of human potential, and the importance of global compacts); work and mind habits: cross—cultural perspective taking; culture: geography; global risk: environment; arts: literature and visual; and investi- gation and analytical skills: local—global link and creative communication Ghana, India, Uganda, and Mexico Eight weeks Goals and Objectives Learn about water and food around the world. Inspire students to think about how all forms of life, both human and other, need water and food. Act by describing what water is needed for and how to access it. Skills and Knowledge Students will learn the difference between salt water and freshwater (geography). Students will learn the oceans and place them on a map (geography). Students will be able to place India, Ghana, and Uganda on a map (geography). 37