Empowering Global Citizens They will come up with the following: 1) water, 2) food, 3) clothing, 4) shelter, 5) air, 6) education, and 7) love/ respectful relationships. Activity 1.1.3 Six Billion People, Six Billion Possibilities Students are instructed to find one object that represents each of the seven universal human needs that they found and to make something out of the object. For example, a student may collect a water bottle (water), an empty cereal box (food), an old sock (clothing), a few Lego bricks (shelter), a bal— loon (air), a paper clip (education), and a photo of his or her family (love). He or she then creates a sculpture out of the objects. Each child shares his or her sculpture, and the teacher leads the class in a discussion of how even though we all need the same things, those things look different for €V€fy pCI'SOIl. Activity 1.1.4 What Makes a Good Friend The teacher asks the students to think about what a good friend is and what a good friend does. The students write an acrostic poem using a word and descriptions of friendship. Consider the following example: Eriends are nice Really great to have in sunny skies Especially to play flever to hurt _D_on’t say mean things §o good to have a friend They will revisit these poems later in the year.